OPINION: Why do people do this?

On Sunday evening (7th January 2024), I heard that a bus had been set on fire and badly damaged in an arson attack at Solihull station interchange.

The bus in question had just completed an inbound journey on the 49 service (Rubery Great Park to Solihull). Curiously I also learned that not long before that happened, another bus – also on the 49 service – had to be taken out of service in Shirley, also due to an arson attempt.

According to West Midlands Police, a further arson attack on a bus in Solihull took place on Monday evening. Thankfully, two arrests have now been made on Tuesday.

We have arrested two people after four buses were set on fire in Solihull. 

Last night at around 8pm, we received reports of two people onboard the number 49 bus attempting to set fire to seats on the top deck. 

Officers carried out an area search of where the two people got off the bus and detained a man and teenager near Shirley Park. 

A 20-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy were arrested on suspicion of arson and remain in police custody. 

They are also being questioned about three other bus fires that have taken place in Solihull over the last few weeks. 

Detective Inspector Mark Heard from Solihull Police, said: “Thankfully nobody was injured, but the outcome of these incidents could have been very different. The two people in custody will also be questioned about three other bus fires that have taken place in Solihull.

“The investigation team in Solihull continue to work hard to investigate crime and arrest suspects. Keeping the communities of Solihull safe is at the heart of everything we do.”

“Two arrested after buses set on fire in Solihull” – West Midlands Police, 9th January 2024

Seriously, just what is wrong with people nowadays? What kind of brain-dead moron thinks it is a good idea and “a laugh” to burn bus seats and set them alight, causing the bus to catch fire?

I use the term ‘brain-dead moron’ quite politely, as it takes a special kind of simpleton to not understand the consequences of their actions.

When people moan about their bus not turning up consider these figures.
YW (Yardley Wood garage) have 20 buses not available for service this morning. 7 are due to vandalism, 3 are due to RTCs (road traffic collisions) where the NX driver was not to blame

The kind of simpleton who doesn’t realise that everything on board our buses is being filmed in crystal-clear HD quality to remote monitoring services. (Aha, the displays on the buses themselves might not be working, but we’re all still being watched nonetheless!)

Sadly it would seem that our civilised society is crumbling away and we are rapidly heading back to the dark ages.

Luckily I have been informed that two of the affected vehicles were not that badly damaged and have been repaired and are back in service today. Sadly the bus pictured above will be too costly to repair and is now withdrawn and won’t see public service again.

But still, I cannot even begin to imagine what must be going through the minds of these people who think that setting fires on buses is something to be enjoyed. After all, if that bus has to be taken out of service and can’t do the rest of its scheduled journeys, it could be someone you know that gets inconvenienced as a result of your mindless actions.

Featured image is taken from a link posted on BusTimes.org, I cannot give credit as I don’t know the original source, but it remains the copyright of whoever took it.

About WMBU

I'm Stu, and I created West Midlands Bus Users in 2013 to share news, info and opinion with fellow bus users in the West Midlands.
I've been travelling around on buses since my teens, and use them every day as I don't drive.

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