Complaints & Feedback

Please note that this website is an independently run site that is not directly affiliated with any bus operator or transport organisation or provider. We do not operate any bus services, nor do we issue or take payments for any tickets or passes.

Formal complaints and feedback, as well as requests for refunds etc, will need to be sent to the relevant bus operator or authority responsible.

Bus service complaints

If you have a specific complaint to make regarding a bus service, you should in the first instance contact the bus operator directly.

Links to common bus operators contact forms below:

For contact details for all other operators in the Transport for West Midlands area, please see the Operators page on their website.

If the bus operator has a Facebook or Twitter page, you may also try to contact them that way, but in most situations they will merely direct you to the contact methods on their own website.

If after making a formal complaint you are not satisfied with the response you receive from that bus operator, you may choose to escalate your complaint to Bus Users UK.

(For the avoidance of doubt, this ‘West Midlands Bus Users’ website is not part of nor has any direct involvement with the Bus Users UK charity organisation)

Bus stops, shelters and stations

Any issues with bus stops, bus shelters, bus stations, or other bus information infrastructure within the West Midlands county should be reported to Transport for West Midlands.

Tickets / Passes / Payments / Refunds

For queries, enquiries and complaints regarding your pass or travelcard, please contact the bus/transport operator or local authority from whom you purchased or who provides the pass/travelcard.

For queries and complaints regarding contactless payment overcharges, please contact the bus operator with whom you travelled.

Lost property

For items lost on a bus, a train or at a train station, please contact the bus or train operator.

For items lost at a bus station in the West Midlands region, contact TfWM Customer Service.

Phone: 0345 303 6760
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 8am to 6pm
Wednesdays, 10am to 6pm
Saturdays, 9am to 1pm

For items lost on Metro tram or at a tram stop, please contact West Midlands Metro customer service:

Phone: 0121 502 2006
Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm

Anti-social Behaviour

If you witness or encounter any anti-social behaviour while travelling on buses or other public transport, this can be reported to Safer Travel for further investigation. While action may not be immediately taken, intelligence gathered from passenger-submitted reports allows the team to identify problem spots and areas and target resources where they are needed.